4 Ways IV Therapy Can Support Your Fertility


If you’ve heard of IV Therapy, you’ve also likely noticed there are health claims for IV therapy for just about every condition under the sun. Fertility? Menopause? Low Energy? IVs have ‘got you covered’.

At The Clara Clinic, our goal is to deliver the highest quality integrative health care, and that means laying out the facts so you can make an informed decision when it comes to your health. This also means helping you avoid getting wrapped up in fad or trendy medical treatments.

With that said, today, we’re answering the question, can IVs really help support your fertility?

How IV Therapy Works

Before we dive into that question, let’s quickly review how IV therapy works.

IV therapy is an efficient way to care for your health, by injecting safe doses of vitamins, amino acids, nutrients, and minerals directly into your bloodstream.

With IV therapy, you don’t have to wait for nutrients to pass through the liver and digestive tract. Instead, nutrients are delivered directly to the blood stream. This means fast, 100% absorption of vitamins and minerals, instead of 10-20% of absorption we see with oral supplementation.

IV therapy itself hasn’t been studied specifically for most health conditions. Rather, the nutrients vitamins, and minerals being injected have been studied extensively. And while you can just as easily supplement orally, IV therapy is just a more efficient way of getting these key ingredients delivered. This can come in handy when you’re someone who doesn’t want to take supplements daily, are struggling to keep to your routines, or alternatively, are dealing with something extremely time sensitive that requires faster results.

How IV Therapy Actually Supports Fertility

With all that said, how can IV therapy, and the nutrients IV therapy delivers, help support your fertility?

Helps Enhance Egg Quality & Sperm Quality

This is probably the biggest draw for completing IV therapy for fertility purposes. We are able to deliver high dose antioxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C, and zinc to help optimize your egg or sperm quality. Optimizing egg quality can be helpful whether you’re trying naturally, undergoing fertility treatments, or are hoping to freeze your eggs for future use. IV therapy for egg quality can especially come in handy when there’s an element of time sensitivity such as preparing for an egg retrieval.

Supports Immune Function for Successful Implantation

Now in order for successful implantation and pregnancy to occur, our immune system has to be perfectly balanced. This means our immune system needs to be strong enough to stave off infections to protect a fetus, while also being relaxed enough to let a foreign baby grow within you. Many individuals dealing with infertility are specifically stuck at this point of implantation. We know individuals with PCOS, endometriosis, and autoimmune disease seem to have issues with endometrial receptivity and implantation. IV therapy can deliver nutrients to help support a more levelled out immune response such as Vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin B6. We can also add on vitamin D injections to your IV appointment to further support immune function.

Helps Support Healthy Hormones

When our hormones are at optimal levels, this once again can help support successful ovulation, implantation and pregnancy. Vitamin B6, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and calcium all help to support healthy and balanced reproductive hormones including progesterone and estradiol.

Helps Support Nutrient Status for Preconception

Last but not least, IV therapy helps to deliver nutrients to ensure your nutrient status is optimized for preconception. We know that when we are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, this can lower our fertility potential.

How IV Therapy Works at Our Clinic

If you’re struggling with your fertility and are interested in IVs, it’s really important you undergo the proper screening measures to make sure you’re actually a good candidate for IV therapy. At our clinic, we try to make this screening process as easy as possible for you! Here’s how our process works:

Step 1: Complimentary Screening Appointment + Blood Work

We have you complete a complimentary 15-minute IV consult. That way, before you even get started, we are certain your health goals are aligned with what IV therapy can provide. If we think you’d be better suited with different types of treatment, we’ll let you know in this very first call! We’ll also quickly go through some medical background and screening questions to make sure IV therapy is safe for you. If at the end of the call, you’ve decided you’d like to move forward with IVs, we’ll have our administrative team set you up with a blood work requisition to once again confirm you are physically fit and safe to receive IV therapy.

Step 2: Initial IV Therapy Appointment

At the end of your 15-minute call we’ll book you in for your very first IV therapy appointment. When you arrive, we’ll quickly chat through your lab results with you, and complete some physical exams. We’ll also review your goals one more time to ensure nothing has changed, and to confirm we are providing you with the best formula possible for you!

Step 3: IV Treatment Series

After your initial visit, we’ll set you up for a series of IV appointments based on your goals and needs. Typically, we recommend people come in once weekly (or bi-weekly) for a series of 4-6 sessions for optimal results. That said, your IV Naturopathic Doctor will help you decide on a treatment frequency that makes the most sense for you.

Looking for more support?

If you’re struggling with your fertility, and want to find additional ways of supporting and optimizing your fertility, you can check out our pages on IV Therapy and Naturopathic fertility support. If you’d like to speak to someone about how IV therapy can support you, you can book a complimentary consult with one of our IV Naturopathic Doctors here.

Ready to make a change?

If you’re ready to speak to a Naturopathic Doctor about your fertility, or would like to learn more about IV Therapy, you can book a complimentary consult with one of our Naturopathic Doctors here.

Yours in health,

The Clara Clinic