Posts in nutrition
IV Vitamin Therapy as a Supportive Treatment for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder marked by abdominal pain/discomfort and altered bowel habits. Some may experience diarrhea, constipation and these can vary in intensity and duration. IBS can significantly affect daily life and impact both work and social interactions. In this blog, we review what IBS is, and how IV therapy can help alleviate its symptoms.

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Understanding the Connection Between Fibromyalgia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Fibromyalgia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are two conditions that, on the surface, might seem unrelated – one primarily causes pain sensation in the muscles and soft tissues, while the other targets the digestive system. However, a closer examination reveals a surprising link between the two, shedding light on the complexities of how our bodies can react to chronic conditions.

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What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is far from a rare disorder. It's estimated that about 10-15% of the global population is affected by IBS, though the actual numbers may be higher due to underreporting. Despite the discomfort and inconvenience it can cause, IBS is still widely misunderstood and often not openly discussed, leading to feelings of isolation and embarrassment among those who suffer from it.

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Understanding Methylation: Its Impact on Our Health and Well-being

Imagine your body as a complex machine where every component must work perfectly. Methylation is one of those vital processes, akin to a set of on-off switches, that controls various functions within this machine. It involves the addition of a methyl group (a carbon atom linked to three hydrogen atoms) to different molecules in our bodies. This simple chemical modification can dramatically change how these molecules behave and interact, akin to a conductor in an orchestra ensuring every instrument plays its part at the right time.

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Understanding SIBO: Symptoms and Solutions

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) might sound complicated, but it's a condition we can easily understand with a simple analogy. Think of your small intestine as a garden. Just like a garden needs a balanced ecosystem to thrive, so does your small intestine. SIBO occurs when there are too many bacteria in this "garden," disrupting the delicate balance needed for proper digestion and nutrient absorption.

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Supporting Detoxification in Spring with Nutrition

As days get warmer & longer, the energy of the spring season represents a time of transformation: new growth, reinvigoration, a fresh start. While these changes noticeably occur around us in nature, spring is also the perfect time to explore change in our bodies & minds. It's a time to cleanse and detoxify; shedding the drowsiness of winter and embodying the lighter, vibrant energies of the season.

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Relief Beyond Pills: Exploring IV Vitamin Therapy for Period Pain

Dysmenorrhea, or menstrual pain is a challenge for many women or people with vulvas where more than 50% who menstruate have some pain for 1 to 4 days each month and this can be a pain level from mild to severe. This affects productivity, mood, and quality of life, and may make those suffering from it relentless and overwhelmed. In this blog, let us explore more on the common causes and symptoms of period pain and how IV Therapy can be a game changer to approach seeking relief from this discomfort.

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IV Vitamin Therapy for the Winter Blues

As the winter months settle in, many of us find ourselves grappling with lots of challenges that can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. From the onset of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to battling burnout and fatigue, the winter season presents unique hurdles that require proactive solutions. In this article, we jump into winter-related mental health challenges and how IV Vitamin Therapy can help!

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New Year Low-Bloat Detox

The holiday season is over and the New Year is upon us. This is the time of year for new health resolutions. Some of you may be trying to find more time for exercise or maybe a little more time for yourself, and others may be looking for ways to restore their gut health. The holiday season is full of sweets and indulgent foods. Lots of foods that, while delicious, can have a huge impact on gut health. If you're looking for a few tips to get your gut back to baseline and reduce your bloating, here are a few things you can do:

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How to Make the Holidays Less Difficult and Recover from Them

One aspect that is frequently emphasized as a challenge during the holidays is food. While many people tend to feel stressed and overwhelmed by the food to consume, we want to take a step back and explore how we can promote mental and physical well-being when engaging with it during the holidays. Here are some ways we can approach holiday food to help us feel good instead of fostering fear, anxiety, and being overwhelmed.

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Managing Hypothyroidism During the Holidays

 As the holidays roll in, the mix of delicious treats and disrupted routines can throw our thyroid health off track. Enjoy the festive season without compromising your thyroid health. We'll tackle practical tips on food, sleep, stress, and self-care so you can soak up the holiday cheer and smoothly bounce back to your routine afterward. Let's make these holidays joyous and thyroid-friendly!

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Benefits Of IV Vitamin Therapy for this Cold & Flu Season

As the winter season approaches, many of us are faced with a unique set of challenges that can impact our overall well-being. In this blog, we'll explore the concept of IV therapy as a solution for winter wellness. IV therapy isn't just about treating colds – it's a preventive approach to keeping your immune system robust and resilient throughout the season.

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Understanding Fatigue and the Adrenal Building Blocks

Fall is here. The days are getting shorter (don't forget your vitamin D) and soon winter fatigue will begin to settle in. While life is getting more hectic and the holiday season is right around the corner, it's a good idea to start supporting your adrenals to keep lethargy at bay. So let's talk about the 3 most important compounds that feed the adrenal glands: Vitamin C, Magnesium, and B Vitamins.

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How Nutrition Empowers Breast Cancer Prevention and Wellness

Nutrition plays a big role in both prevention and management of breast cancer, a disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide. A well-balanced diet cannot be overstated when it comes to reducing the risk of breast cancer and supporting overall health. Dietary choices can influence the development and progression of breast cancer, making it imperative to prioritize nutrition.

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