Supporting Detoxification in Spring with Nutrition


As days get warmer & longer, the energy of the spring season represents a time of transformation: new growth, reinvigoration, a fresh start. While these changes noticeably occur around us in nature, spring is also the perfect time to explore change in our bodies & minds. It's a time to cleanse and detoxify; shedding the drowsiness of winter and embodying the lighter, vibrant energies of the season.

One of the most effective ways to support our bodies during this transition is through nutrition. By choosing foods that align with the energetics of spring, we can help clear away stagnation, boost vitality and restore balance to the mind and body.

Several organs & systems are involved in processing and eliminating toxins from your body: lungs, liver, lymph, kidneys, colon & skin.

Supporting the body’s detoxification pathways with nutrition

Embrace seasonal produce

Foods like green onions, broccoli, beets, squashes, green peas, radishes, sweet potatoes, artichoke, mushrooms, asparagus and rhubarb all come into season in Ontario before June. These foods offer an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support detoxification pathways in the body.

Include fresh herbs & herbal teas

Herbs like cilantro, parsley & thyme contain powerful compounds that can help chelate heavy metal toxins, reduce blood pressure, and help tackle inflammation. Green tea (and/or matcha) is an antioxidant powerhouse that helps support the liver and helps reduce overall inflammation in the body- if you’re sensitive to caffeine you can choose decaffeinated tea. Nettle, ginger & dandelion teas also help support the detoxification functions of the liver. These herbs & teas can help support the immune system as we transition through seasons.

Hydrate adequately

Staying hydrated is essential for supporting detoxification, especially in lubricating the lungs, flushing the kidneys, keeping the skin barrier moist and helping move waste through the colon. Choosing filtered or spring water can make a world of difference in your health. If you have trouble drinking water, non-caffeinated herbal teas count towards your daily intake and can be sipped warm or iced. If you’re not currently drinking more than 2 litres of water per day, start here.

Additional Practices

Avoid unnecessary plastics

Invest in glass food storage containers, a glass water vessel (a 1 litre mason jar works well for both water & teas), a stainless steel travel mug and avoid heating food and drink in plastics.

Do an audit of your household & beauty products

Use the Yuka app to scan labels of various products and show you a rating on the toxicity of its ingredients.

Add in more low-to-moderate movement

As the weather warms, schedule an extra walk daily for mental health & mobility. If you’re unable to get outside, choose a type of accessible movement like 50 squats at your desk and/or 30 bicep curls using light weight dumbbells or water bottles. Pumping the lungs helps support lung health and circulate lymph so it can capture & eliminate stagnant toxins.

Prioritize quality sleep

Longer daylight hours often leads to a tendency to pack more “to-dos” into our days resulting in less time dedicated to sleep. Sleep is absolutely essential for overall health but especially for brain health as our brains are only able to detoxify during deep sleep.

A Final Word

Your body’s detoxifying systems do not turn on & off; they’re working tirelessly to help keep your body working as best it can. By using the above nutrition & lifestyle practices, we can harness the transformative power of the season to help ease the burden on the body & mind.

Let this spring be a time of cleansing, renewal and growth as you move towards optimal health & vitality with the help of our team at The Clara Clinic.

Ready to make a change?

If you're ready to get nutritional support, I'm more than happy to help you. Book a complimentary consult with me and learn more about my nutritional services here.

Wishing you wellness,

Erin Milks, Holistic Nutritionist