Untangling Narratives: Psychotherapy's Role in Reshaping Body Relationships


Our relationships with our own bodies can be complicated and fraught, but at the same time, this relationship is absolutely central to the way we feel and experience the world. It can be confusing to unpack the many larger societal messages than impact how we feel in our own skin. We are constantly bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards and, while the rising popularity of important concepts like body positivity and body neutrality seeks to challenge those standards, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and discombobulated by all the contradictory messages.

Therapy can be a place to slow down in order to examine and contextualize the stories we carry about our bodies: a place to both challenge the assumptions we have and begin to build a different kind of relationship with our bodies, one based on respect and gratitude.

Ways Therapy Can Support You

Creating a Safe Haven

Psychotherapy provides a non-judgmental haven to explore unconscious thoughts and feelings tied to body image, shedding light on how these notions have evolved over time.

Dismantling Societal Constructs

It offers an opportunity to dissect the societal link between self-worth and body image, encouraging the development of a more comprehensive and individualized definition of self-worth.

Contextualizing Negative Body Image

Psychotherapy aids in tracing the roots of negative body image, examining the nuanced impact of familial influences, societal expectations, and personal experiences on our perception of our bodies.

Insight and Reframing

Understanding the origins of ingrained beliefs about our bodies can spark insight and the capacity to reframe these perceptions, paving the way for repairing the relationship with our bodies.

Mindfulness and Reconnection

Integrating mindfulness and body awareness techniques, therapy supports clients in reconnecting with and appreciating their bodies on a deeper level.

Cultivating Self-Compassion

Psychotherapy fosters the cultivation of self-compassion, encouraging individuals to embrace kindness and understanding towards their bodies. 

Healing from Trauma

The therapy space is a safe place to acknowledge and explore the connection between past trauma and its impact on the relationship with one's body.

Celebrating Unique Strengths

Clients are supported in learning to celebrate their bodies not just for their appearance but for the unique strengths and capabilities that make each individual's body truly exceptional.

A Final Word

Psychotherapy can be an impactful tool in dismantling the complexities surrounding our body relationships, offering techniques and insights to pave the way for a more harmonious, respectful, and appreciative connection with our bodies.

Ready to make a change?

If you're ready to explore how psychotherapy can support you or any of your loved one in overcoming body relationships, you can schedule a complimentary consultation with me here.

Wishing you all the best,

Meaghan George, RP (Qualifying)