What is PMDD?: When Mental Health Meets Hormone Health


There is a newer hormonal term gaining traction that you may or may not have heard of: PMDD. PMDD stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. This is a diagnosis that refers to a group of PMS symptoms that become so intense that they have extreme mood implications, and severe impacts on quality of life. It can get so bad that for that period of the month it can feel like a depressive episode.

Before getting into the details of PMDD, let’s start at the beginning. We know that PMDD is an extreme form of PMS, but what even is PMS?

What Is PMS?

PMS or premenstrual syndrome refers to the time of month for women between ovulation (about halfway through a monthly hormonal cycle) and getting their period. During this time women can experience a collection of varying symptoms both physically and emotionally. Some of these symptoms can include:

  • Bloating, diarrhea, or constipation

  • Cramping, headache, or backache

  • Breast swelling and tenderness

  • Weight gain and/or water retention

  • Mood swings, irritability, or low mood

  • Food cravings or changes in appetite

  • Feeling tired and/or trouble sleeping

  • Increased sensitivity to stress

The combination of symptoms that someone experiences during this phase of their cycle is unique to them. Therefore, no two women will experience PMS in the same way. The intensity of these symptoms can also depend on the person. PMS symptoms can have a profound impact on a person’s life. When the emotional symptoms associated with one’s PMS become particularly intense and debilitating, we then consider if they meet the classification of PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder).

How To Know If You Have PMDD

If you are experiencing severe physical and emotional symptoms leading up to your period that impact your ability to function at home, at work, or in your relationships, then you may want to ask your doctor about PMDD.

Typically, more than 5 of the following symptoms must be present during most menstrual cycles in a year to receive a diagnosis:

  • Depressed mood

  • Anger or irritability

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed

  • Moodiness

  • Increased appetite

  • Insomnia or the need for more sleep

  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control

  • Other physical symptoms including bloating, breast pain, and headaches

If you are experiencing symptoms and you think it could be PMDD it is important to check in with a medical professional to ensure that there isn’t another underlying cause that is contributing to these symptoms.

What Makes You More Susceptible to PMDD?

At this point the exact cause of PMDD is not known. However there are some different theories that might explain this phenomenon.

One theory is that the hormonal changes we experience in the second half of our cycles impacts our neurotransmitters in our nervous system. Our neurotransmitters are the signals in our brain that control our mood, motivation, emotions, feelings of wellbeing and so much more. One of the leading theories in PMDD is that these normal monthly hormonal changes cause a deficiency in the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters that impacts mood. If it is out of balance this can have severe impacts on our overall mood and emotional health.

Things that make you more susceptible to PMDD include a family history of PMS or PMDD, a family history of depression or other mood disorders, a personal history of depression of mood disorders and cigarette smoking.  

How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help PMDD

Currently there is no adequate conventional medical treatment for PMDD, but Naturopathic Medicine can have a major role in helping to relieve the symptoms of PMDD as well as identify the underlying cause of why this is happening.

Interventions that work to identify underlying hormonal imbalances, improve our ability to deal with stress, support our nervous system/neurotransmitter balance and decrease inflammation in the body have been shown to decrease symptoms associated with PMS and PMDD. Depending on the underlying cause, supplementation with certain vitamins and minerals have been shown to improve PMDD symptoms as well.

The most important step in feeling better is identifying why YOU are feeling this way in the first place. Naturopathic Medicine can help with that and then support you in bringing your body back into balance.

If you are suffering from PMDD or PMS there is hope to have relief from these symptoms. Through a combination of identifying hormone imbalances, decreasing stress, supporting nervous system health and much more we can help to bring your body back into balance and make your entire month enjoyable – not just the first two weeks!

Ready to make a change?

If you’re ready to speak to a Naturopathic Doctor about PMS or PMDD, you can book a complimentary consult with me here.

Yours in health,

Dr. Alexandra Sisam, ND