The Orenda Clinic & Apothecary - Toronto Naturopath Clinic focused on Hormone Support, Cancer Care and Fertility

Chronic Fatigue


chronic fatigue

Providing realistic and customized support to help you take the guesswork out of your chronic fatigue symptoms

How We Can Help

Chances are if you’re here, you’ve been struggling with low energy and increasing fatigue for far too long. If chronic fatigue syndrome is ruling your life, you keep canceling plans because you can’t find the energy to leave the house, you can barely function because you’re so exhausted, or you’re just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, you’re in the right place.

Our team is here to help you take the guesswork out of taking control of your chronic fatigue, and provide you with a customized and realistic treatment plan.

What Causes Chronic Fatigue Anyway?

With a good understanding of the underlying cause, you can reclaim your energy and once again live life to the fullest. It is possible to reverse chronic fatigue so you have the energy to do all the things you enjoy.

Chronic fatigue can stem from a number of different causes. Common causes of chronic fatigue we often treat include:

  • Long standing stress and burnout

  • Hormone dysregulation

  • Post-viral syndrome

  • Lingering or entrenched infection

  • Blood sugar imbalance

  • Allergens and toxic overload

  • Multiple chemical insensitivity

  • Nutrient Deficiencies

  • Thyroid Disorders

  • Fibromyalgia 

  • Cardiovascular insufficiency

Our first priority is to determine an accurate diagnosis so we can most directly address your symptoms, and provide timely and effective relief.

What to Expect

Wherever you are with your journey through chronic fatigue, our team will take the time to hear you, meet you where you are at, and teach you how to feel ready and able to take control of your life again. Our ultimate goal is always to dig deeper and find the unique underlying causes of your fatigue, so that symptoms are corrected – not masked, you feel in control of your health again, and you begin to see your body as an ally and not the enemy anymore!

The Five D’s of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Our 5-Step Program

Completing a full energy reset and staying symptom-free can be challenging because of the multifaceted nature of chronic fatigue. Becoming symptom-free takes time, but once the healing process is underway, it is possible to enjoy work and home life once again! The ultimate goal of our program is to help you reclaim your energy to live the life you want without unnecessary interruption from unbearable exhaustion and fatigue.

our 5 -step program

  1. De-Stress  - Whether or not stress and burnout are the root cause of your fatigue, chronic fatigue has caused your body to become overtaxed and it needs to find relief. Reducing stress and finding balance is a critical first step in overcoming the unending exhaustion you feel. 

  2. Detox – At the same time, we need to focus on finding and removing any barriers to optimal health you may have in your life. This typically begins in the gut, cleaning up digestion and regulating blood sugar. It will also be important to detoxify your external environment by removing allergens, toxins, and other irritants from your home.

  3. Diagnose – While working on these ever-important first steps, we’ll also begin testing to find the root cause of your fatigue. Determining the root cause will allow us to move from the general steps above to a more targeted approach for the final half of the program.

  4. Deploy – In this step we will work to eliminate any external causes of your fatigue. This may include infectious pathogens, cellular trauma, or hormone imbalances that have set your system on an unhealthy path.

  5. Defend – Once we have moved to eliminate the root cause of your fatigue, we can truly begin to build your body back up to where it should be. Using targeted nutrients, botanicals, and adaptogens, we will work to set a new baseline for your vitality.

By the end of this protocol, we want you to walk away feeling empowered, and in control of your health. With newfound energy you may also experience the indirect results of lifted brain fog, improved digestion, improved sleep quality, decreased anxiety, and weight loss.

You do not have to settle for constant exhaustion. If you’ve been struggling with chronic fatigue, we offer complimentary 15 minute consults with our chief Naturopathic Doctor focusing on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dr. Mitchell Schroeder, ND.


Looking for Support?

dr. mitchell schroeder, nd

Dr. Mitchell Schroeder is our chief Naturopathic Doctor focusing on chronic fatigue syndrome. You can learn more about his practice here.

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