
Erin Milks, Holistic Nutritionist


About erin

I know what it's like to not feel well. Throughout my formal education and in pursuit of my own healing, I learned that the importance of what & how we eat cannot be understated.

Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP)

Holistic Nutrition is a dynamic approach to overall health. Although a focus on nutrition is essential, the holistic approach is based in the belief that optimal wellness requires synchronization of all of the systems in the body. It considers all aspects of life including environmental stressors, emotional health, sleep cycles and physical movement. A Holistic Nutritionist emphasizes the importance of mental, physical and spiritual health when preventing and/or addressing health conditions- not only what is on your plate. My clinical practice is focused on using customized nutrition plans and lifestyle adjustments to restore and support proper digestion, energy production and cognitive function for you to feel your best.

I know what it's like to not feel well

As a child, I endured several recurring infections and debilitating symptoms which ultimately carried into my adult life. After seeing a number of conventional practitioners & specialists without lasting results, I turned to more traditional and individualized methods of healing: a balanced diet & lifestyle as well as functional stress-management techniques. The success in my healing I experienced using these practices led me to seek out certified education in Clinical Nutrition at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition (IHN) where I graduated with first-class honours. 

Throughout my formal education and in pursuit of my own healing, I learned that the importance of what & how we eat cannot be understated: it plays a critical role in all health conditions. I know firsthand that figuring out what to include and what to omit from your diet can be overwhelming and food preparation can be taxing. I also know that we all have the capacity to heal but finding the right person to help guide you can optimize your healing and save you time and energy. Personalized nutritional counselling acts as a complementary service to the treatment plan provided by your Naturopathic Doctor to improve your results and support your healing. 

I'm here to help.

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